
Uploading and managing your files and folders using FTP Voyager

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using FTP Voyager, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have FTP Voyager on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site. If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in FTP Voyager". The main screen of FTP Voyager is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's begin by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Connect icon, located in the upper left corner. This opens the Site Profile Manager, where you will select your web site from the window on the left by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection, you are ready to upload. Click the Upload icon, which is above the local computer window, to start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Download Icon, which is located above the remote server window. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on New Folder. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, right click on the name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete. Click Yes. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select Properties/CHMOD. This will open a window called File Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission. (Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box. When you are finished, click Apply. You will get a pop-up saying you have changed permissions, and asking if you would like them applied. Click the Yes button. Then click OK. Permissions have now been changed. That will take you back to the main screen.

To close the connection to the remote server, Click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the FTP Voyager screen. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders. You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in FTP Voyager.

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